Life can often seem like a predatory beast out to get you for dinner. There are bills to be paid, family to take care of and calamity on the news – the worry and strain can seem overwhelming. It can also feel as if you are the only one in the world going through such fears; however, you aren’t. You have a common problem that many people suffer in silence about. But there are many people and organizations that can help you find anxiety and stress relief.
Doctor, Doctor
It’s no shame to have to go to the doctor and ask for help. If you can never relax and are so consumed by worries that it makes having a normal life hard or impossible, you need to see your doctor right away. There is a stigma about seeking anxiety and stress relief. You may think you’re crazy or lazy; but you’re not.
If you had a broken leg, you would go see the doctor for help, wouldn’t you? Anxiety and stress relief should be sought after in the same way. If anybody teases you about being a “mental case”, ignore them. They are just voicing their own fears about their own sanity. Your doctor will understand; he or she sees patients with you similar problems almost every day.
Perhaps the doctor will prescribe medicines for your anxiety and stress relief. That doesn’t mean you’re ‘lacking’ in some way for needing to take pills for a mental or emotional problem. Extreme anxiety and never ending stress can often be the signs of easily treatable physical problems.
Take Time Out for You
You deserve at least ten minutes of fun and luxury a day; after all look at all you have to put up with! If you can find ten minutes a day to treat yourself and be comfortable with it, you can find fifteen minutes, and so on. This doesn’t mean you are selfish; you are just training how to feel good about yourself. By experiencing happy times, you can remember what it feels like. With time and practice, you can tap into that calm and secure feeling whenever you need it.
Some people take a walk during this “me-time”. Some people read a non-fiction book to gain anxiety and stress relief. Some people take a bath; others write a poem or engage in light exercise or take yoga classes. See what works best for you; you want something that takes you out of the river of worries onto a little island of calm. Listening to music or mediating can bring this island about for many people. Anxiety and stress relief is within your reach – you only have to make a little effort to get it.
Doctor, Doctor
It’s no shame to have to go to the doctor and ask for help. If you can never relax and are so consumed by worries that it makes having a normal life hard or impossible, you need to see your doctor right away. There is a stigma about seeking anxiety and stress relief. You may think you’re crazy or lazy; but you’re not.
If you had a broken leg, you would go see the doctor for help, wouldn’t you? Anxiety and stress relief should be sought after in the same way. If anybody teases you about being a “mental case”, ignore them. They are just voicing their own fears about their own sanity. Your doctor will understand; he or she sees patients with you similar problems almost every day.
Perhaps the doctor will prescribe medicines for your anxiety and stress relief. That doesn’t mean you’re ‘lacking’ in some way for needing to take pills for a mental or emotional problem. Extreme anxiety and never ending stress can often be the signs of easily treatable physical problems.
Take Time Out for You
You deserve at least ten minutes of fun and luxury a day; after all look at all you have to put up with! If you can find ten minutes a day to treat yourself and be comfortable with it, you can find fifteen minutes, and so on. This doesn’t mean you are selfish; you are just training how to feel good about yourself. By experiencing happy times, you can remember what it feels like. With time and practice, you can tap into that calm and secure feeling whenever you need it.
Some people take a walk during this “me-time”. Some people read a non-fiction book to gain anxiety and stress relief. Some people take a bath; others write a poem or engage in light exercise or take yoga classes. See what works best for you; you want something that takes you out of the river of worries onto a little island of calm. Listening to music or mediating can bring this island about for many people. Anxiety and stress relief is within your reach – you only have to make a little effort to get it.
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